Friday, November 20, 2015

Film of Woman Swimming Nude in All Weather in Wales

It's a lovely short film.

The nudity isn't as prominent as the bubbles.

She seems to have done it herself, so she gets to focus on what it means to her.  Not just some random, this is what she does.  It's HER perspective.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Swimming in the Fall

Sometimes, it's like diving into a painting.

I try to put all of my emotions into the visual, and none into touch. Or temperature.

It's happened before. Happens a lot. I'm amazed at how numb I am during most of life. But it's the transitions. It's the shock of the change.

Maybe that's what I love. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

To Swim Everyday

Is my dream life.
The water is getting a bit colder now. 
Everyone says September is coming.
I refuse to believe.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wild Swimming in the Azores

Of course, there is the memory of saltwater.

The Atlantic spreading out wild in front of you.

All the way to Greenland or South to Antarctica.  And boats.

Jellyfish and riptides and sharks to eat you and whales that wouldn't.

Being a small speck in the ocean.  Somehow the saltwater, the water of tears, is healing.

Nothing like stagnant streams and green ponds.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Wild Water Swimming

I swam in the ocean the other day.

It took me past where I was expecting, and only when it forced me on my knees on the rocks did I begin to suspect it did not love me.

Even in an undertow, I feel cradled. Even if I'm not headed where I want.  Other than the jellyfish (and a shark or two), I trust that the ocean loves me.


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Magic Circle Pond Crossover

Bits of that story visits this one.

They are both the same.

It all takes place in the same universe.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Swimming across every body of water

James Doty was a legendary swimmer in New England.
He swam everywhere.

And then there is Lynne Cox. Swimming to Antarctica.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sense last summer

The play at Concord last year, about swimming across Walden.

Then I've been swimming for an hour every other day at the Y. 200 meter pool. 
Swimming across Brooklyn.

And Tuesday, Florida!