Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Game, Klutzes and Everything/ Cupid & Psyche DRAFT

He wants to confess
She's blindfolded
Look, I'm just a guy who-
Hey, this is the greatest game ever!! Don't stop!!
But you know I'm not your brother!
That doesn't matter anymore...
She turns away
It's a fun game, isn't it?
She was desperately trying to get him to agree that it WAS a game.
He hasn't made up his mind!! He stammers, doesn't know what to say or claim. Nervous because he doesn't have a PLAN, stammering the way she recognized well from all those board rooms. Even when he stopped the low tone in his voice, she KNEW who it was.

He sets up the Cupid/Psyche routine
She joins in, like those stories we learned in Latin class!!
Latin class?
Remember? You had Sr Celestine and then I had her 2 years later!!
Wow! You have a great memory.
She went to an all girl high school. Sr Cekestine hadnt taught a boy in her life!!
So the point is, you must always keep the blindfold on. At least when I'm here. You can hear when my car comes in the driveway, I'll give you a minute.
She wondered if he was planning to rape her.
She wondered how much she could convince herself it wasn't rape. She tried to think of all those screwball comedies of the 1930's. The Lady Eve, Design for Scandal, all the Astaire & Rogers pictures.
One party tries to seduce the other for a bet or something to do with a newspaper story. Just when it happens, when the victim begins to fall, the other has to pull away. And then of course, the other's plan falls through.
It was possible for him to love her.
And thus, for her to live him. Or grow to live him. At least enough to enjoy sex. Or not hate it.
And so, if she made up her mind to do whatever she needed to, just to get out of the situation.
The bondage was mildly interesting, she was pretty sure that she could work herself up.
As long as she didn't picture The Suit.

Pen Happiness

HDT in Brooklyn

The more I love
The more I need

African band playing rhythm

"How do you make sense of these objects??"

Mod glowing things